Our team

Przemysław Biecek

Przemysław Biecek leads MI^2 group of data enthusiasts, mostly MSc and PhD students.

Data Scientist with background in both mathematical statistics PAM@WUST and software engineering CSM@WUST. Now he works as associate professor MiNI@PW and assistant professor MIM@UW. He is interested in predictive modeling of large and complex data, data visualisation and model interepretability. Research activities are mainly focused on high-throughput genetic profiling in oncology. He is also interested in evidence based education, evidence based medicine, general machine learning modeling and statistical software engineering (an R enthusiast). Big believer of data-literacy education for kids.

Agnieszka Sitko

Agnieszka Sitko created the factorMerger package, run few interesting workshops within RLadies, give great talk in UseR!2017. The thesis: Merge and Select: Visualization of a likelihood based k-sample adaptive fusing and model selection.

Alicja Gosiewska

Aleksandra Grudziąż

Aleksandra Grudziąż is Mathematical Statistics MSc student at Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw. She created package MLExpResso with Alicja Gosiewska.