Our projects

MLExpResso is an R package for integrative analyses and visualization of gene expression and DNA methylation data.

Key functions of this package are:

  • Identification of genes with affected expression,
  • Identification of DMR - differentially methylated regions,
  • Identification of regions with changes in expression and methylation,
  • Visualization of identified regions.

More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the MLExpResso website.

GitHub repository

The aim of factorMerger is to provide a set of tools to support results from post hoc comparisons. Post hoc testing is an analysis performed after running ANOVA to examine differences between group means (of some response numeric variable) for each pair of groups (groups are defined by a factor variable). This project arose from the need to create a method of post hoc testing which gives the hierarchical interpretation of relations between groups means. Thereby, for a given significance level we may divide groups into non-overlapping clusters.

More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the factorMerger website.

GitHub repository

The live package help to anderstand the local behaviour of a black-box model. The idea behind comes from the LIME method [Ribeiro 2016] and is adopted to models based on a mixed data.

More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the live website.

GitHub repository

DALEX explains how black-box models. It's a methodology for better diagnostic of any black-box models.

This aproach increases understanding of a model, increases trust in model predictions and allows to further improve the model. It also allows to compare two or more models in the scale space.

More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the DALEX website.

GitHub repository